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  • Writer's picturesandrajack74

Orange Peels: FromTrash to Treasure

🍊Citrus Zest: Grate the orange peel to add a burst of citrus flavor to dishes.

🍊Homemade Cleaners: Infuse vinegar with orange peels for a natural cleaning solution.

🍊Air Freshener: Simmer orange peels with spices for a pleasant aroma in your home.

🍊Tea Infusion: Dry orange peels and use them to infuse flavor into tea.

🍊Potpourri: Create a fragrant potpourri by drying and mixing orange peels with other herbs.

🍊Candied Orange Peel: Make sweet treats by candying orange peels with sugar.

🍊Insect Repellent: Rub orange peels on skin to help repel mosquitoes.

🍊Compost: Add orange peels to your compost for nutrient-rich soil.

🍊Fire Starter: Dry orange peels and use them as kindling for fires.

🍊DIY Scrub: Mix ground orange peels with sugar and oil for a natural exfoliating scrub

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